Today on Dance Blog Spotlight we have Dance Advantage–one of the leading blogs about dance on the web. Read about how Nichelle got started on this endeavor below…

1. Can you tell readers a bit about your background in dance?
I grew up in a small town, next to a slightly larger college town in Pennsylvania. I was very involved in the arts: community musicals, school plays, band, church choirs, color guard, and of course dance. My childhood dance school is a pretty typical ballet/tap/jazz studio, with one exception, and that is that the owner’s specialty is none of those. In her “creative modern” classes movement is a medium and she helps children and youth “paint” their own pictures, giving them the structure and the tools to express themselves artistically. It’s creative movement very much in line with Virginia Tanner and Anne Green Gilbert. I firmly believe that foundation and the care with which it was provided is why I am still in love with dance today.
I did it ALL at that studio from about age 5 through high school. It was not a pre-professional dance education but when I majored in dance, what I lacked in training I made up in enthusiasm, dedication, and diligence. The technique came along and I had some fantastic teachers. I married my husband halfway through college and when I finished, I did a lot of teaching in all kinds of environments: college, studios, community programs, homeschool groups, theaters. I danced in a few modern dance companies and choreographed at every opportunity.
Though I’ll admit there have been times I’ve wished I was just spectacular at ONE thing, I am a Jack of all trades (master of none) with a variety of experiences and skill sets. It’s not a bad place to be, actually. [Read more…]