by Julia Erikson
Dance is an exacting science. Technique requires great discipline and continual vigilance to maintain. But we all know the recipe for success also requires a departure from the rigors of exactitude into a freer, more creative personal place. One has to feel the music and express their individuality to truly gain any modicum of success as a dancer—in essence you must study hard, then throw away the notes and go it on your own. This is when the beauty and glory of dance emerge, when it really is a vehicle for self-expression.
Recipes and food parallel the duality of dance in certain ways. The best balanced recipes in culinary history stand the test of time much like a finely choreographed ballet. While we needn’t stray too far from a proven concept, with something like a fruit salad, why not bend the rules a bit and find the balance of flavors that works for you? I say let the personality of the fruit, along with your personal taste, play the starring roles. Use the freedom presented to listen to your palate and hone your confidence in the kitchen; there is no right or wrong ratio of flavors out there.
In this vain I present to you several fruit salad templates meant to guide you, and your taste buds, toward your own personal sweet spot—flavor-wise. Yes, I recognize we are only talking about fruit salad here, but it is the perfect jumping off point for cultivating your creativity in the kitchen, something that is good for your soul and for your self-expression as an artist. And who knows, you may just get carried away and create something you want to share with the world! 😉
Also, one more thought: Historically I’ve avoided the ubiquitous fruit salad on a party buffet table, mainly because it often seems to resemble some combination of soggy, boring, or overrun with not my fave fruit. So I’ve chosen to share a few of my favorite fruit-centric salad combinations, though most of them actually happen to include a savory component. I love this, as I think contrast actually highlights the sweetness of summer’s bounty. But you take the lead and feel free to omit/substitute/improvise!
For all of the recipes below, use your best judgment in terms of quantities—these are only flavor combinations that I love. Trust your palate and go for it! And let me know what you come up with by commenting about the results of your improv sessions!
Berry herb salad [Read more…]