Can you recall the most amazing dance performance that you ever saw? I’ll bet that most of you can. Mine? I went to see the Bolshoi when they came to Chicago and I saw an absolutely perfect balance in arabeque–it was flawless. And it seemed to last forever. And just when I couldn’t believe she was holding it that long on pointe, she brought the leg to passé and then extended it out to the side in a slow développé–without coming down. And without wavering one bit.
I couldn’t believe my eyes.
Every once in a while there is a moment where you witness something that defies the laws of gravity–or pushes back against the rules of motion. You know that what you are seeing is something special. Something extraordinary.
It is these moments that make the art so fascinating to watch. When you are a dancer, moments like these actually come to define your career. You can feel them on either end of the performance. That is one of the most amazing things about it.
I can’t begin to describe the feeling of watching that performance, and I am ashamed to say that I don’t recall the dancer’s name. But I do know that I will never forget what I saw. It will be with me forever.
If you have had that experience on either end, I’d love to hear about it…