Today we have with us Beth Terwilleger from Ballet Austin….
1. How did you become involved with dance?
When I was growing up my family used to put on music and dance around the house. I always loved dancing, and when my grandfather showed me my first ballet video I knew that this was the kind of dance I wanted to do. My mom signed me up for classes and I immediately fell in love.
2. What are you currently doing in the field?
I am currently a ballet dancer with Ballet Austin.
3. Would you share a special moment from your career with readers?
There are so many special moments. I remember the moment I realized I could move, like really dance. I had always been a bit typecast at the school I grew up in as being very much a ballerina and not a contemporary dancer. Then, during my second apprentice year at Ballet Austin I was in a rehearsal for our end of the year show doing a piece set to salsa music and I realized “this feel great!” Really letting go and moving in all kinds of new different ways was really what I wanted dance to be for me. I was told that the way I moved in this show and the fact that I did have this realization was the reason I was hired into the company. It was major turning point for me. [Read more…]