Continuing in our new series, Dance in the US, we feature our first organization from Alaska…
Name: Anchorage Classical Ballet Academy
Location: 501 W. International Airport Rd., #22, Anchorage, AK 99518
About: This school has been around since 1997 and it offers a complete curriculum, providing classes for everyone from pre-school students to pre-professional dancers. On the site there is an interesting article that outlines 4 Things To Consider If Your Child Is Serious About Ballet, which is an excellent resource for parents. (It can also serve as a great tool for studio owners who are looking for a way to point out their strengths.) One of the points in the piece talks about whether the school has graduates that are successful in the field. Anchorage Classical Ballet Academy has some impressive placements, with students accepted at places such as the Kirov Academy, The Royal Ballet School, and Alvin Aily Company, among others.
Classes here include Mommy & Me, designed for children 18 months to 2 years of age, which I thought looked good since they didn’t try to push for an hour. The class is 45 minutes long, and that is a challenge enough for most students that age. (I know, I’ve taught them!) In addition to ballet classes the studio also offers jazz and modern dance.
As always, if you are from the company or the school and you would like to tell 4dancers readers something about your organization, please feel free to leave a comment…