I had been teaching already for about ten years when I realized something very important…let me go back and tell you how it all came about…
I was 29 years old and was getting ready to start my latest ballet class for 3 and 4 year olds. We were all sitting on the ground in a circle, learning names. A little uncomfortable, I uncrossed my legs and crossed them the other way.
Every single little girl there did the exact same thing.
That’s when it hit me–the power of modeling behavior with kids that age is tremendous. They mimic what you do. I had been trying hard to come up with explanations in bite-sized words that I thought the children would understand.
Turns out all I had to do–was do it.
Now this isn’t to say that you should not teach verbally. You should. But never underestimate the power of what you are doing. This includes simple things such as standing up straight and walking lightly.
Remember…those little eyes are taking it all in…