Denise Caston is today’s featured dancer on 10 Questions With….

1. How did you become involved with dance?
It started when I was 3, taking tap lessons in a teacher’s basement. That’s all I did for 8 years until I decided to start studying all of the disciplines.
2. What are you currently doing in the field?
I founded and direct the Detroit Tap Repertory, produce the annual Motor City Tap Fest, am on faculty at tap festivals and workshops around the country, and perform in various shows from time to time.
3. You were a Rockette—what was the best part about your time with the group?
The whole experience was wonderful, and grueling, and demanding. It was the first job I was ever hired for, and it took me to a level that I never thought I was capable of achieving. It created a work ethic that I wouldn’t have without that experience.
4. What is the most valuable advice you have received from a teacher or mentor? [Read more…]