Today we have a lady who began taking ballet at 63! Here’s her story…

1. How did you first get involved with ballet and what attracted you to it as an adult?
I have loved watching ballet all my life, being fired by enthusiasm by ‘The Red Shoes’ when I was 5 & seeing my first ballet on stage when I was 9. My mother could not afford ballet lessons for me when I was a child, although I would have loved to go. As an adult I saw whatever ballet productions came to my town or were on TV. The possibility of learning it as an adult did not occur to me (& may well not have existed until comparatively recent times), and while I was working at a demanding job, there would have been no time anyway.
Around 2007, having retired, I picked up a brochure of Norfolk Dance & found they held beginners’ ballet classes for adults. These were full at the time, but I enrolled for the following term & began ballet in Autumn 2007 & have never looked back. At first we could find only one elementary class a week, which we felt was not enough, and I wrote 3 letters to ‘Dancing Times’ (which were all published – & 1 was Letter of the Month) about the need to provide more facilities for adult learners, and commenting when these started to appear in Norwich, with more classes I could go to. Now Norwich has more dance classes than I have time to go to, & excellent teachers. Along the way I’ve tried out other types of dance to fill out my dance education: tap, contemporary, national of different countries, lyrical & jazz.
What attracted me to it? Beauty, grace, elegance, technique, magic & mystery, being another world, to a certain extent living out a dream. Also its keep-fit & weight-loss potential (I had to lose a lot of weight after a sedentary career & lost 4 stone, partly through ballet), & health investment for old age (suppleness, posture, stamina, increased energy). I’ve found the whole weight loss & ballet experience very rejuvenating & invigorating, & I’m certainly fitter than I was 10 & 20 years ago, probably longer. I began ballet at 63 & am now 68.
2. How many classes are you currently taking per week? [Read more…]