We’re delighted to be able to bring you a new student spotlight today–meet Madison Lohman…

1. Can you tell readers how you became involved with dance?
My journey as a dancer began at the age of three when my parents enrolled me in a ballet class. They wanted me to be involved in something that was not only fun, but also a place where I could make friends, since I had just moved to Nebraska. At my very first dance recital I preformed “I’m a Little Tea Pot”.
Now I am fifteen, dancing to classical pieces by composers such as Bach, and traveling across the country perusing my passion. I didn’t start competing my first few years, taking classes here and there, but when I turned nine I realized dance was something I loved to do. So, with dedication and determination I improved tremendously and became apart of a competition team a year later. I now train at Nuevo School of Contemporary Dance about fifteen hours a week taking ballet, jazz, contemporary, and technique classes.
2. What do you find you like best about dance class?
Although there is no doubt that I love dancing, I walk into my classes everyday with two choices. The first choice, taking the class, listening to directions, and only going through the motions. Or the second choice, by making a conscious effort to improve my skills, applying everything my instructors are telling me, and giving my heart and soul into the class. Now, it would be unrealistic to say that I never chose the first option, but more times than not, I am reminded of why I love the art of dance so much when I chose the second. Dance is my escape. It is my place to go in good times and in bad, and a place to let your heart and body do your talking for you. I love the fact that when I take class I can see the results of hard work and dedication, and there is no better feeling than that.
3. What is the hardest part about dance for you?
For me, definitely the hardest part about dancing is managing my time. I am involved in ASB, clubs, I am taking rigorous classes at my high school, and on top of that, I am a dancer, which alone states that I have no extra time in my schedule. But, I do have to find time for friends and family because they are the ones who support me. It’s funny because even though it is very difficult to find a balance between dance and all of the other components of my life, dance has taught me the importance of managing my time effectively and has ultimately shaped the person I am today.

4. What advice would you give to other dancers?
My advice to other dancers would be to dance because you love it. Do not dance for anyone else but yourself. Dance has become something that is a part of me, not something I do. I really began thriving as a dancer when I understood that I wasn’t complete without it. You will work harder and only really reach your fullest potential when you are doing something you absolutely love. As with anything in life, all of the time and effort you put into something important will not show instantly. In dance, there is no better satisfaction then knowing you have succeeded, or accomplished your goal in the end. Dance because you love it.
5. How has dance changed your life?
Dance has helped make me the person I am today. Besides the fact that I have a fun time dressing up in my costumes and sharing my passion with others when I dance, it has taught me so may life lessons that I don’t believe I could learn anywhere else. Dance has given me the self-confidence and belief that I can achieve anything I work towards. Being a part of this art I have learned respect, humbleness, compassion, understanding, and commitment. I am so lucky to have parents and instructors who only want the best for me and will push me to limits, not only to better me as a dancer, but as a person. I have met my life long, best friends at dance who I know will always be there for me no matter what. I am fit, happy, and a well-rounded person because I have dance in my life.
BIO: My name is Madison Lohman and I am fifteen years old. I live in Corona, California and am a sophomore at Corona High School. I am a conservatory and pre-professional company student at NUEVO School of Contemporary Dance.