Interesting! I had never before heard of vegan ballet slippers, but I’ve tried them myself and they are terrific! Better still, they are cruelty-free–not made with any animal products! We caught up with Cynthia King who sells these unique shoes and asked a few questions about how all this got started…
1. How did Cynthia King Vegan Ballet Slippers begin?
Knowing animals suffered for ballet shoes takes away from the uplifting and unifying spirit of dance. As a teacher, dancers were asking me for shoe recommendations and there were none I could recommend in good conscience (since they all contained animal products). So I decided to create my own.
2. What exactly does it mean to have vegan slippers?
Cynthia King Vegan Ballet Slippers are vegan because, unlike other ballet slippers, they are not made using leather. When dancers wear them, they are not dancing on the skins of dead animals.
3. Was it difficult to get this endeavor up and running?
To start the ballet slipper line, I did a great deal of research in the areas of textiles and manufacturing; I went door-to-door where synthetic textiles were being sold and talked to everyone I could. After a lengthy development process, the first shoes were ready in 2003. Today they come in three colors, sized for children and adults.
4. How have the slippers been received in the dance community?
The reception has been fantastic across the board because so many dancers love animals. The slippers were selected as the required shoe by world-renowned Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater for two of the organization’s innovative camps, in 2011 and 2012. We receive orders from dancers and dance studios around the world. The shoes have been embraced by non-vegans and vegans alike. Dancers love our shoes!
5. What has been the high point in all of this for you thus far?
The high point is each time we sell a pair of slippers, knowing another dancer is taking a kind step for the animals.
If you are interested in ordering a pair of these shoes, visit their site today.
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