One thing I’ve learned in my 24 years of teaching dance is that not everyone hears a correction or explanation the same way. As an instructor, you are trying to give students that “aha” moment, and it can be a challenge. In order to be effective, you need to come up with a variety of ways of saying the same thing. Just because it makes sense to you doesn’t mean it will ring true for everyone else.
I was thinking about this in class last night when I was teaching. I had instructors who would always say the exact same thing. “Pull up–like there is a string attached to the top of your head” or “tuck your bottom under” – and I don’t think they made a lot of sense to me. When I pulled up under those directions, I became stiff and held my breath. When I “tucked my bottom” I would respectively hunch my shoulders forward.
This isn’t to say that these corrections are wrong–I understand the meaning now–but at the time I didn’t understand how to make my body obey. If the teachers would have given several different explanations, it may have saved me some time.
You never know what a student will respond best to, so the more ways you can communicate what you are trying to say, the better. It will challenge your mind as a teacher, and it will help students have a larger framework to draw from as they try to master technique. Make it part of your lesson plan time–you won’t regret it.

excellent article, I encountered this with teachers and I got gvgs on my type dance and switched schools. I might add, as a student, that part of the reason I sought other teachings was I felt it was important for all levels to have recitals and perform more for events,charities, the choreo, according to our personal stage and gifts, thanks, I feel much better with my decision after reading this article.Have a nice week!gypsy.
Thanks for the comment–glad the post was helpful to you!
Agreed! The phrase that finally made sense to me was “push down into the floor” instead of hearing “pull up” for many years.
I hear you! That one was rough for me too until I heard push down. 🙂