As a ballet teacher, one of the things you have to do is select music for your class. As anyone who has done this knows, this can be more of a challenge than one might think.
When you are searching for music, there are a few questions you should keep in mind…
What level is the class?
Beginning students require music to be clear and measured, while more advanced students appreciate arrangements that are a bit more complex.
Does the track listing match my needs?
If you tend to do several tendu combinations and there is only one on the CD, it might be worth looking for something else. Love adagios? Check and see what the album offers. If you can find something that meets most of your needs, you’ll be more likely to use it–and spend less time switching CDs during class.
What is the recording quality like?
This is a biggie. There are some ballet class CDs out there that sound like they were recorded in a storage container. You know, the ones that you have to turn up really loud–only to get a lot of hiss? Sound quality matters, so if you can listen to a snippet of the tracks ahead of time (this is becoming more common these days online), it is a very good idea to do so.
What are others saying?
Reading reviews of ballet class music can help you decide on a good CD for class. I have a few on my site here, and there are many others out there. Chances are, if you see a lot of people like a particular album–there’s a reason.
Do you have any tips for selecting music for ballet class? If so, please do share…