Today I’ll be answering the question posed on our collaborative effort, Pas de Trois…
“What’s your dream role?”
This really was a hard question to answer. I’m past the point where I’ll be dancing any of them! Still, if I had an opportunity to go back and dance something, I think it might be the lead in Swan Lake or perhaps, as many times as it has been done, I’d still like to do a lead in The Nutcracker. Sugar Plum would be fun, but I think the Snow Queen would be even better.
I guess I still have a little bit of the fairy princess inside me from when I was a girl–what can I say?
If I were to do something more edgy, it would probably be one of Balanchine’s storyless ballets. The choreography is amazing.
What role would you want if you could choose anything? Post your answer on Pas de Trois and join in the discussion!

[…] Catherine’s answer: Has been posted […]