This may be a hard tip to employ, but it is a smart one. Don’t demonstrate how to do anything the wrong way in dance class. Even though this can be a great way to get the message across to students, the fact is, you can injure yourself. Proper technique is designed in part to help you stay safe. It’s based on biomechanical principles, and when you alter them, bad things can happen.
As teachers, we are often guilty of not warming up properly, or not taking enough classes ourselves. This is another reason to avoid demonstrating things the wrong way. If you aren’t in tip top shape–injury can be a lot more likely.
You can verbalize the incorrect form, but stick to showing your students the right way to do things. It’s a lot safer.

Well said — and SO important!
I’m a spanish belly dancer instructor, I came to UK in september and i would like to impart classes here in London, but I have a important question, I have been talking with people who said me that here in UK it is necessary a licence to impart dance classes or something similar, and to pay for the music used in the classes and the performances. Somebody cold inform me about this?
I would like all the legal aspects to be instructor here in England please!
Best wishesss
Hello! I can’t say I know the answer to your question…perhaps Nichelle at may be able to help–she does a lot of work with studios/teachers. Try there! Good luck!