Today’s social media tip has to do with adding value.
What does this mean, exactly?
It means that you should be giving readers something of value periodically without wanting anything in return. This means you take a break from promoting yourself tirelessly (yes, I said it!) and think about what you can do for your fellow dancers/bloggers/followers. What would make them happy?
Adding value can be as simple as passing along a link to something that is helpful or letting people know of a special deal that they might find interesting. For example, if you just heard that a local dance studio is holding free classes during their open house…pass the word. See a great dance video on You Tube? Share that link…
You get the idea.
So, then next time you are posting on Twitter or sharing on Facebook, try being “other focused”. Not only does it work–but it’s a nice thing to do. And it feels good too.