If you are fairly new to teaching dance, it can seem overwhelming. There is much to remember and the pressure can be great. For those who are just getting started, here are a three things to keep in mind that can be helpful…
+ Start and end times. Honor these. People have things to do and you don’t want to interfere with that. It can be easy to get caught up in class and lose track of time. Keep an eye on the clock. You’ll eventually learn how to pace a class, but in the beginning it can be a bit of a challenge.
+ Have enough material. The fact of the matter is, when you are new, you tend to be nervous. This usually means you’ll be teaching at a faster pace–which means you’ll need to make sure you have plenty of material prepared. There’s nothing worse than running out of things to do when you are already on edge.
+ Check things out ahead of time. Getting the “lay of the land” can be a good idea before you go in to teach a class for the first time. Make sure you know where everything is, how to work the stereo system and who to talk to if you have any issues the first day of class.