Summer intensives are all about learning and growing as a dancer. The best of them challenge you, shape you and open your eyes to different things in the world of dance. Everyone wants the time they spend at a summer intensive to really count, but how do you go about getting the most out of your time there?
We reached out to William Piner from Ballet Austin to see if he could share some tips for success. Mr. Piner is the Director at the Ballet Austin Academy, and he was happy to share these five points to keep in mind for your next summer intensive..

1. Don’t worry about your level placement. Usually the directors know what they’re doing and place you in a level where they think you will get the best results and make the most progress in their program.
2. Stay focused on your classwork and try to absorb as many new concepts as you can from your teachers.
3. Be open to new ideas and perspectives and try to see how they can augment your home studio’s curriculum.
4. Journal. It’s the best way to remember your time away and retain the information/corrections you received in class when you return home. It’s also a great way to remember all the new friends and fun times you had!
5. Be open to new styles of movement and be willing to give them a try. You may discover something about yourself, including a new love for a different way of moving.
Have any good summer intensive tips to share? Feel free to post them here!